Haere Mai
Principals message | Te korero a te Tumuaki
On behalf of the Board of Trustees and staff, I would like to welcome all new students, parents and guardians to Te Kuiti High School. | Mo te taha o te kura nau mai ki a maatau paetukutuku.
I hope that your association with Te Kuiti High School will be successful.
Our website will assist you with school operations, dates of events, information about courses offered, links to other site e.g. school policies and plenty of other information for the school community.
Te Kuiti High School prides itself on providing a safe and caring environment where staff and students work together toward common goals.
A quality education can only be achieved through a partnership between parents, students and teachers, and therefore we encourage parental involvement in the education of their children.
We are a community, co-educational school with high expectations and standards.
We encourage students to learn, to work hard, to try new things and to develop leadership so they leave Te Kuiti High School as mature, self-reliant, thoughtful young people.
Mr Gareth Williams, Principal
Vision Statement
An inclusive community focusing on personal and academic growth.
We have respect for ourselves and others.
Respect is:
Relationships - community, understanding individual differences, role modeling, co-operation, fairness, trust, integrity.
Expectations - striving for excellence, encouraging others, innovative, accountable, honesty.
Self Reliant - self motivating, self managing, learning to learn.
Participation - being involved in school life.
Environment - awareness and care of our surroundings.
Communication - positive, sharing knowledge, views freely expressed and heard.
Thinking - being creative, reflective, evaluating ideas.
Te Kuiti High School is a PB4L school. The philosophy behind this Ministry of Education initiative is ‘to help parents, whanau, teachers and schools address problem behaviour, improve children’s wellbeing and increase educational achievement. By strengthening relationships and creating more positive home and school environments we remove barriers to engagement and improve students’ chances to achieve at school and beyond.’
Parent Support
The single most significant factor in educational success is support and encouragement from home.
Co-operation between home and school is vital and the High School stresses the importance of communication between staff and parents or caregivers.
Parents are welcome at the school and we are pleased to meet with anyone regarding their child's welfare and progress.
Phoning for an appointment will ensure that the person you wish to see is available.
Parents are encouraged to attend report evenings, and any other meetings which are appropriate for parents and students.
We are always in need of coaches, managers, and support for our school teams.
Parents are encouraged to attend sports days, major productions, performances and evening meetings.
The Home and School Association provides an important service in fostering co-operation between staff and parents for the betterment of students' education.
Approximately six general meetings are held each year. All parents are invited to become members. Parents may also stand for election to our Board of Trustees.
We encourage parents to support our students in what they do and appreciate feedback on how we are doing.
Newsletters are monthly and are available for our community. If you wish to receive the newsletter by email please email: newsletter@tkhs.school.nz. These often contain important notices and information for parents and caregivers.
Parents can help by supporting our fund raising ventures, as these are important to help us provide equipment and amenities for our students.
The school requires students to conduct themselves in such a way as to bring credit on themselves, their families and the High School.